
Semana del Español

The Semana del Español is a hybrid physical-digital event with the aim of bringing together language and tourism agencies, federated schools, international centres, students, teachers and management teams.

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Logo Fitur lingua

FITUR Lingua 

The event specialising in language tourism as part of the Madrid International Tourism Fair. With the participation of FITUR, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, and the Federation of Spanish Schools in Spain.

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Annual Convention

The FEDELE CONVENTION is the meeting in which the actions carried out by the federation are gathered, discussed and planned.

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Trade missions

hey are mixed events that take place outside of Spain and that in a multi-day program carries out different activities aimed at diverse audiences, mostly agencies and teachers whose final objective is the figure of these agents as prescribers for the FEDELE schools.

Past Events

Logo VAMOS! Español en España


¡VAMOS! Spanish in Spain FEDELE Workshop is a professional meeting between agents specialized in language tourism from around the world and FEDELE schools which has been held since 1999.


ECELE: The main objective of this meeting is to show the academic offer of Immersion Courses of Spanish as a Foreign Language to teachers and heads of centers where Spanish is taught throughout the world.

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