For the last few months FEDELE has been preparing to take part in the Foro Internacional de Español 2.0, an event organised to offer support to all enterprises which have the Spanish language as their main asset.

The conference will enable the different Spanish language sectors to make contact with each other with the idea of combining more purely business aspects with a programme of activities concerning specific areas,  which will include language tourism and language courses abroad.

The Foro Internacional del Español 2.0 will provide spaces for various acts of promotion and information for both professionals and the general public.

The programme of activities will take place at the IFEMA exhibition centre in Madrid from the 23rd to the 26th April.  The activities organised by FEDELE will take place on the 25th.

FEDELE would like to invite our readers to take part in this event bearing in mind there will be activities of great interest to our member schools: training workshops, conferences, meetings and networking with other key people who are active in the sector.

All the information regarding FIE 2.0 is available at the following link. For more detailed information about the FEDELE activities at FIE 2.0 please contact our office.