Olimpiadas del Español de Poznán

We are pleased to let our readers know that FEDELE is again collaborating with the Spanish Olympics in Poznán, Poland. The Olympics, in Polish Olimpiada Języka Hiszpańskiego, is an event organised with the support of the Polish Ministry of Education.

The structure of the event will be the same as in other years and consist of a national competition between schools with the aim of giving secondary school students the opportunity to demonstrate and improve their ability to communicate in Spanish and their knowledge of literature, history and culture of Spanish speaking countries.

The event is also backed by the Tourist and Education Councils of the Spanish Embassy in Poland with honorary sponsorship from numerous Spanish-speaking embassies in Poland.
The finals of these 6th Olympics will take place at the Adam Mickiewicz University from the 8th to 10th April and the prize-giving ceremony will  be held on the 10th April 2016 in the Lubranski room at the university.

As on other occasions, the first prize will be a week´s language course for two people (a student and an accompanying  teacher) at one of the FEDELE schools taking part in the promotion of the Olympics.

More information at www.ojh.edu.pl/