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Schools to learn Spanish in Spain
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FEDELE Schools
FEDELE Certificates
The Federation of Associations of Spanish schools in Spain, FEDELE, has created a complete recognition system with guidelines, recommendations and protocols to follow to achieve a safe school and free from infections facing the present epidemiological situation caused by COVID-19 and social responsability.
What do we offer you as a school?
with the different affiliated associations and Spanish language teaching centers so that its Governing Board can establish a general and national management and action policy.
fellowship and solidarity
Prestige and unity
Defense of the members’ interests
Prevent unfair competition
How to become a FEDELE member?
All FEDELE Spanish schools in Spain are Accredited Centers by Instituto Cervantes.
The possession of the stamp is an essential condition for a school to enter the corresponding Regional Association, and therefore be a member of FEDELE.
School’s acceptance process:
After contacting FEDELE, the school will receive the Center Recognition System of the regional Association to which you belong.
FEDELE will send the school’s request to the respective Association
The Association will contact the school to request timely information and verify the information provided
Once the documentation is accepted, the evaluation visit of the center will be carried out by at least two members of the Association.
With the documentation provided and the Report of the visit, the General Assembly of the corresponding Association votes for the entry of the aspiring school
Accepted entry by the Association, the school will automatically become part of FEDELE
Business Management
For FEDELE, business management is the compass that guides the path of a business, its strategy, and purpose with quality, safety, responsibility, trust, competencies, worker protection, etc. All of them are essential factors that will make a company that generates products and services grow from planning, organization, management, and control.
In the day-to-day life of a Spanish language school, many issues arise when a student from another country contracts a Spanish course and the doubts that may arise regarding this service.
FEDELE directly attends to the following queries, among many others:
- Information and consultation service on labor issues, with the application of the Non-Regulated Training Agreement.
- Tax information service.
- Advice, support, and backing in the negotiations to be carried out with public institutions to assert the business interests of the members who request it.
- Advice, support, and legal backing in the reporting of activities carried out by companies or organizations involving illegal and unfair competition to the sector.
- Advice, support, and backup for consular incidents.
- Dissemination of the updated FEDELE centers lists to embassies, consulates, and government delegations to simplify procedures for obtaining and providing information on visas.
FEDELE is an organization formed by private and independent schools, all of them are direct or indirect competitors. All the centers assure that sharing information and time with the competition is the best and most effective way to get to know the sector you work in.
FEDELE schools share and receive this information through:
Periodic meetings of the Associations
Meetings of the Governing Board
These meetings generally take place within the associations and are used to share information on general and local sectorial issues affecting the schools and to plan actions to be undertaken directly or through the federation. As a guideline, they usually take place every quarter.
Sector studies
Annual meetings
Promotion and representation management
]For FEDELE, promotion and representation management has the function of promoting, encouraging, designing, and carrying out projects that entail clear and tangible benefits for the federated schools in any field, with the aim of offering a product or service that reaches the largest number of people or consumers, giving them maximum satisfaction.
Our goal is to help schools to effectively dialogue with the demand of the Spanish teaching sector in all its mainly academic and language tourism aspects nationally and internationally, with segments and niches that compose it and that are potentially interesting, through a series of communication strategies and actions.
Institutional representation
FEDELE’s intense work on issues of sector representation with national and regional governments is transferred and reported to schools as a key element in the development of the sector. FEDELE maintains an intense collaboration with Instituto Cervantes and Turespaña and with other relevant institutions in the sector both for the promotion of federated schools and for the development of the sector in terms of quality and certification.
The Spanish Federation of Associations of Spanish Schools for Foreigners has been developing since its foundation in 2000 a policy of alliances, agreements and protocols aimed at cooperation, promotion and coordination with numerous public and private institutions aimed at promoting quality in teaching Spanish as a foreign language nationally and internationally.
Communication and Marketing Management
Communicate properly the offer itself with the appropriate message to the appropriate target and through appropriate channels is of fundamental importance.
In FEDELE we are committed to an integrated marketing communication using different means to carry out the task such as: advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and digital marketing.
The communication strategies and actions we propose include:
- Definition and implementation of integrated promotion and communication plans.
- Realization of complete and verified databases of target clients (associations, international schools, agencies) that have a specific profile and direct relationship with the characteristics of the offer, used to define and develop marketing actions.
- Design and implementation of strategies and actions for online communication and social media marketing.
In line with the previous idea of management and representation, FEDELE does an intense communication work to publicize the FEDELE brand. There are many institutions that recognize us as a reference of excellence and quality throughout the world, but it is a continuous and expanding work.
Certification and accreditation management
Certification is the procedure by which FEDELE gives a written guarantee that a product, process or service is in accordance with the specified requirements.
From FEDELE we support the recognition of certification in each and every one of the schools by providing:
Consumers to find products corresponding to their expectations.
Schools a commercial advantage:
- Identify and differentiate the product
- Give credibility to the process by guaranteeing an independent certification
- Create added value at all levels
- Recognition
- Win and / or maintain consumers’ confidence
- Benefit from a collective promotion
FEDELE and its Quality Charter
FEDELE has established an internal regulation that is included in the QUALITY CHARTER, by which all schools commit to follow specific guidelines in all the services they offer (facilities, teaching staff, programs, accommodation, activities…).