Spanish in a day

The 2nd Spanish in a day competition has begun.  This competition, which is organised by C de Cine, tests the creativity and linguistic competence of students of Spanish.

One of the most interesting novelties of this second competition is that there are two versions: a general one and one for young learners.  Each team participates in the category corresponding to the level of Spanish of their spokesperson. One of the criteria to be evaluated is a control of the linguistic resources pertaining to the level at which they are competing.

The aim of Spanish in a day is to encourage working together while learning Spanish. In order to participate, you need to form teams of three to five Spanish students and choose a spokesperson. Once this is done, participants can sign up together and organise their different roles – actors, directors, scriptwriters etc.

The team is now ready to create a cooperative project. The video will compete at the language level of the main actor who will also be the spokesperson and the person responsible for providing all the documents necessary for entering the competition.  All members of the winning video team will receive prizes.

You can download the PDF with step by step instructions for taking part in the project with this link. The registration form for this second competition is in this other document.

For more information please see the competition webpage.

C de Cine webpage.