Madrid Tandem school and the publishers Edelsa are once again organising an event for teachers of Spanish and for all people interested in the teaching of foreign languages: ELE Energy.

The main objective of the conference is to provide a practical approach, focusing on creativity in learning and teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language.  The goal will be to help teachers to discover their skills and resources and to use these to enrich their ideas for teaching with ideas from other spheres.

The programme for the event is as follows:

15.30 – 15.45 Welcome and presentation game

15.45 – 16.45 First session: Transcultural Intelligence (Luis Muiño)

16.45 – 17.45 Second session: What have you got in your case? (Begoña Llovet Barquero)

17.45 – 18.45 Third sesión: What do your students expect from you? The role of the teacher in student centred education (Matilde Cerrolaza Aragón – Óscar Cerrolaza Gili)

18.45 – 19.30 Presentation of the latest publications from Edelsa

19.30 – 20.00 Tea – supper

20.00 – 22.15 Learning stations

22.15 Raffle and concert with Caché Lucho and Mariste

The conference will take place at the Madrid Tandem school. More information with this link.