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The new President of FEDELE, Begoña Llovet

After the elections that were held last Wednesday, July 15, it is a pleasure for us to announce the election of Begoña Llovet as the new president of the Federation of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language.[/vc_column_text][us_btn label=”Read here the President’s Greeting” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ffedele.b-cdn.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F07%2FSALUDO-DE-LA-PRESIDENTA.pdf|title:saludo%20presidenta|target:%20_blank|” align=”center” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22font-size%22%3A%2213px%22%7D%7D”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][us_image image=”8218″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Graduated in German Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Founder and director of TANDEM, Escuela Internacional (Madrid). Master in Neurolinguistic Programming. Music and Dramatic Art Studies at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid. Literary translator from German to Spanish for various publishers.

Trainer in the Master ELE of the Complutense University of Madrid since 1993, in the ELE Master of the Cervantes Institute and the Menéndez Pelayo University in Santander since 2007, in UIMP summer courses, in numerous training programs for teachers of the Ministry of Education and Science, from the Community of Madrid, universities and Teacher Centers, Expolingua, ASELE, and other congresses. Coordinator of the Enlace Project (AVE course), the first Spanish course on the Internet at the Instituto Cervantes.

Author of “Sol y Sombra”, manual of E / LE in three volumes, with the sugestopédico method, for the publishing house PLS (Germany). Author of “Planet @”, E / LE manual in four volumes for the Edelsa publishing house. Author of “Pasaporte E / LE”, E / LE manual in three volumes for the Edelsa publishing house. Author of numerous articles and publications in magazines specialized in language teaching. Author of the online teacher training course “Learning with the Heart and the Head” for FEDELE and the Instituto Cervantes.

Volunteer of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation in Anantapur in 2018 (India).

FECEI TOP Award for Social Responsibility in 2020.

Member of the FEDELE Board of Directors.

FEDELE’s Managing Board is formed by the president, the vice president, secretary, treasurer, accounts auditor and members.

The Managing Board has an executive character, but also includes all the presidents from the different Associations to ensure an adequate participation and representation of all federated schools. The members of the Managing Board are:

  • President: Ms. Begoña Llovet, from Tándem Madrid (Asociación Comunidad de Madrid)
  • Vice President: Ms. Mari Carmen Timor, from TLCdénia (Asociación FEDELE Comunidad Valenciana)
  • Secretary: Miguel Ochoa, from Debla (Asociación Español en Andalucía)
  • Treasurer and Statutory Auditor: Mr. Pablo Sampere from Estudio Sampere (Asociación Comunidad de Madrid)
  • Vocal Trainign: Ms. Emilia Molero from Escuela Mediterráneo (Asociación FEDELE Barcelona)
  • Member of the FEDELE Community of Madrid: Currently Mr. Ángel Piñuela from Eureka
  • Member of the Association of Spanish Schools in Castilla y León: Currently Mr. Miguel Ángel Benito from Colegio Delibes
  • Member of  FEDELE Barcelona: Currently Ms. Rocío Vilaró from Escuela Mediterráneo
  • Member of Spanish in Andalucía: Currently Mr. Andreas Carrión from Escuelas de Idiomas Nerja.
  • Member of FEDELE Comunidad Valenciana: Currently Ms. Victoria Sanahuja from Hispania- Escuela de Español
  • Member of AELE: Currently Mr. Carlos Lacunza from Lacunza International House San Sebastián.
  • Member of FEDELE Baleares: Currently Mr. Andrew Sampson from International House Palma de Mallorca
