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Intensive 10 hours/week or 20 hours/week
Learn Spanish in no time. If you have no time, but learning or improving your Spanish is among your priorities, at Enforex we make it easy for you.
With just a few hours of class per day, our intensive Spanish 10 course is ideal to combine your classes with other activities and thus learn Spanish quickly.
Lessons per week: 10 lessons
Levels: A2 – C1
Duration of each lesson: 55 minutes
Students in class: Maximum 15 (average of 6)
9:00 GMT + 1
16:00 GMT + 1
This course is designed for students who want to have a few hours a day of class taking advantage of the intensive format of the course and the method focused on communication and conversation.
Are you thinking of doing an intensive course to improve your Spanish, but don’t have much free time? Most traditional intensive courses require many hours a day and can be difficult to combine with other studies, work or other activities. At Enforex we have thought of the best solution for those who want to try our innovative methodology and learn Spanish quickly with 2 or 4 classes per day.
With only 2 / 4 classes per day, our Intensive Course 10 hours / week or 20h / week gives you a lot of free time to spend on whatever you want while improving your Spanish. Join a group of maximum 15 students of different nationalities with the same level and practice your conversational skills. It won’t be long until you can communicate in Spanish.
Beginning of the course: Start every Monday, throughout the year.
Duration of the course: Flexible[/vc_column_text][us_btn label=”Access to online course” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.enforex.com%2Fpromotion%2Fen%2Fonline-spanish-classes.html||target:%20_blank|” align=”center” css=”%7B%22default%22%3A%7B%22font-weight%22%3A%22200%22%2C%22font-size%22%3A%2213px%22%7D%7D”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][us_image image=”7713″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]