The main idea behind the 1st UniPro Congress is to collect and invigorate proposals concerning the Spanish language and its teaching coming from teachers and researchers who are working in universities or other professional situations (companies or teacher training institutions) anywhere in the world.
The congress is intended to encourage debate and an exchange of ideas between teachers and researchers in order to investigate these matters. The event is organised by two lecturers at the University of Applied Languages at the Munich Institute for Languages and Interpreting, Carmen Ramos and Pilar Salamanca.
The main programme will have two plenary sessions:
- Opening lecture: Frederic Parrilla (CLIC IH Sevilla, Cádiz and Málaga). “Beyond the linguistic remit: the Spanish language classroom as a space to develop professional skills and talent.”
- Closing lecture: Encarna Atienza(Universitat Pompeu Fabra). “Teaching, learning and evaluating a critical attitude: how to train university students as social agents and future professionals.”
The organisers of the event explain that “The 1st UniPro Congress offers three formats for contributions: the first is more theoretical and is directed towards research projects; the second is highly practical and concerns teaching proposals and the third is for video presentations and is intended for people unable to attend the congress in Munich. Contributions for the first two groups should be of less than 45 minutes. Videos should be a maximum of 15 minutes. All proposals should be previously unpublished.”