The Instituto Cervantes, organisers of the DELE exams, have issued an official notice stating that in the first half of this year more than 35,000 people have taken the official test of proficiency in Spanish.
The figures show a considerable increase over last year and are evident in exams of all levels, but most particularly in the enrolments for the school diploma.

The Instituto Cervantes is quoted as saying, “The DELE mantains its validity, usefulness and recognition as the key Spanish diploma.  A sharp increase in demand is expected given that an A2 level (or higher) will be a requirement for obtaining Spanish nationality both for Sephardic Jews from Spain (according to the law passed in June) and for non-Spanish speaking immigrants resident in Spain”.

The Instituto Cervantes expects to continue with the current five dates for taking the exam in 2016, but will also be adding other dates in response to the increasing demand, which will become more apparent when the DELE  becomes a requirement for application for Spanish nationality.

All this information shows that the DELE has become an international reference point for the promoting of Spanish as a Foreign Language and for the recognition of Spanish as a communication tool in both professional and academic circles.

DELE diplomas are valid indefinitely, are internationally recognised and form an integral part of education in many  countries. All information on Spanish diplomas is available at